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A. J. Wordsmith, L. L. C.  -  Who Are We?
The following is read by the Author.



-Anthony Reid Paige-

Who Are We?

"I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken ..."

Psalm 37:25 KJV.


We have felt the highs and the lows of this miracle, this gift from GOD, that we call life.


We have felt joy; We have felt pain.

We have cried; We have laughed.

We have been on the mountain; We have been in the valley.

We have been strong; We have been weak.

We have been poor; We have been rich.

We have been sick; We have been well.

We have been hungry; We have been full.

We have been hurt; We have hurt others.

We have had a home; We have been homeless.

We have been sad; We have been happy.

We have felt lonely; We have felt camaraderie.

We have felt peace; We have felt anxiety.

We have experienced prison; We have experienced freedom.

We have been good; We have been bad.

We have felt God's love; We have felt the enemy's hatred.


We are someone whose hope, trust, joy, success, desire, strength, purpose, and eternity rests entirely in Jesus Christ, the Son of God!

We are A. J. Wordsmith, L.L.C.!


We are here to help; not judge! We are here to pray; not condemn!

Contact us.    Let us know how we can pray for you. 



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